// Define a player object with various properties
var obj = {
name: "Rayane", // Player's name
age: 17, // Current age of the player
sport: "Soccer", // Sport the player is involved in
favoriteclass: "CSP", // Player's favorite class
favoritecolor: "Green", // Player's favorite color
// Method to compute future age of the player given a number of years
futureAge: function(years) {
return this.age + years;
// Log the player's data to the console
// Calculate and log the player's age after 5 years using the futureAge method
console.log("Rayane's age after 5 years will be:", obj.futureAge(5));
// Define a function to provide a descriptive type check
function displayType(value) {
// Return a string that combines the value and its type
return "Type of '" + value + "' is: " + typeof value;
// Log the type of various values using the displayType function
console.log(displayType(17)); // Display type for a number
console.log(displayType('soccer')); // Display type for a string
console.log(displayType(true)); // Display type for a boolean